The Angel army is all flyers with:
1 x Aerial Heroine general
2 x Airboats
6 x Flyers
The Elves boasted:
1 x Magician General
1 x Paladin
3 x Flyers
2 x Shooters
3 x Spears
The battle began innocently enough with the Elves defending and taking first turn. They were however left pretty well unmolested and able to deploy as they wished as I managed to throw a 1 for PIPs for the first three turns - those Angels were going nowhere. This first photo shows the Angels right flank with the Aerial Heroine supported by 4 flyers. The Angels had deployed the two airboats on the left, supported by the remaining flyers.
Finally getting some movement PIPs, the Angel Heroine attacked the exposed flank of the Elven left wing, supported by a flyer. Initially however the Heroine was repulsed buy this '1' vs '5'