To the Honourable Gentlemen of Horseguards
Your Lordships
It is with heavy heart that I write this report to you from my own camp bed, recovering as I am yet again from a most deleterious confrontation with beasts most foul. You will no doubt see from the deterioration in the quality of my penmanship that I am much aggrieved by our most recent battles.
Having recovered from our meeting with the tribespeople and their ferocious beasts, the subject of my last dispatch, in which we drove these fierce peoples from the field despite their rough treatment of me and my loyal bodyguard, we proceeded to continue our advance inland. Four days we advanced, in jungles through which our progress was measured in yards per hour. The men's consumption of water far outpaced the ability of our supply caravans, and by jove those poor fellows dropped like flies from heat exhaustion.
On the fifth day, we decamped once more and had only been on the trails for less than an hour when we came across a plain on which were deployed beasts so terrifying that it took all of our efforts to steady our most steadfast of men. There before us lay arrayed creatures so hideous that even our worst nightmares might never have prepared us for what we were about to face.
Caruthers' forces advance from the right, the spider hordes are deployed on the left |
Indeed there were creatures so monstrous, half woman, half spider, spiders of such size as to dwarf the very man himself, and scuttling hordes of spiders that made the very skin crawl. And from the entire host arose a noise the like of which we had never heard before.
The Spider 'host', their God seen off table awaiting the right 'call' to summon him |
Caruthers' forces, with the enhances aerial forces arrayed on his right. |
Immediately the purpose of the strange noise became apparent, as a God like man appeared, of such size as to spread tremors through the very earth with its every step.
The Spiders' God (Spiderman) appears, as the first PIP die roll is a 6 |
Caruthers advances his line, with a 1 as the first PIP die roll |
Spiderman swoops across to the rear of the British line |
I ordered Lord Chelting and his supporting flyers to attack, and he flew straight into the hordes of small spiders.
The flyers hit the Spider hordes |
Crash Bash.. but the hordes all hold |
Spiderman hits Caruthers in the rear.. |
Damned bad form, old man., attacking a chap from behind.... eh wot? |
Caruthers is recoiled from the God's attack |
Having held off this damnable God fellow, my blessed hero nephew Lieutenant Winstanley came to the rescue and threw himself, yes threw himself, at the God.
Winstanley (a Hero) hits the God |
The behemoth, and the Spider hero general ,advance |
The flyers realise that hitting the hordes was not the best idea.. they are bogged down in the mire of the hordes |
The God hits back at Winstanley |
The remainders of the two lines clash, on the British left |
At this point I threw myself at this God Chappie too, to aid Winstanley in his valiant fight.
The flyers now overflew the hordes, in order to break off and get to the real action |
The God bounces back both Winstanley and Caruthers |
A most dreadful tussle develops between the hideous spider woman and their Hero general, and the British mounted Riders |
Before my very eyes, the God threw himself at Winstanley..
And I watched Winstanley fall before the onslaught.
Winstanley the hero is beaten by the God, and with insufficient room to recoil, the stand is eliminated |
It was with desperation and hope in my heart that I watched as the God overran Winstanley and his gallant crew.. I could but hope that I might distract the God for long enough that my dear nephew might be able to drag himself clear. A unit of our sharpshooters advanced to try to keep the God occupied.
The battle with the riders, and one unit of blades on the British left flank continues |
The British flyers manage a massive wheel in order to try to get back to support Caruthers, but do not have sufficient move to get beyond the hordes. They find themselves trapped in the control zones of the spider hordes |
With aerial help so near and yet so far, Caruthers is attacked by the Spider Hero General |
The God eliminates the shooters, and more importantly is now free to turn attention to the main battle |
Caruthers fights off the Hero general |
I now found myself fighting off both the massive spider hero general, and the God... by Gad Sirs, this was dire indeed.
But the God joins the fight |
At this point in time I once again found myself beaten most severely, and it was only by the sacrifice of my own loyal Guards that I was able to escape, all of us with much personal injury.
Caruthers' stand is eliminated, and so the battle is lost |
At this point in time my troops executed a most commendable and orderly fighting advance back to our starting positions. We were able to rescue poor Winstanley, albeit in a most aggrieved condition, while I myself sustained considerable injury once more.
I regret to inform your Lordships that several of the units of men that we deployed came to a most unpleasant end, under circumstances not at all advantageous to our glorious British forces.
We expect to resume the advance once more in the near future.
I remain, Sirs, your most obedient servant
Major General Sir Chelmswood Reginald Augustus Piers Caruthers