Early spring 1915, and Russian forces launch a counter-attack up a river valley somewhere in Galicia, with the limited aim of securing a vital river crossing necessary to future operations.
Andy and I got together to push the 20mm WW1 armies around the table in a smaller Great War Spearhead game. The scenario pitched a Ruissian division against two Austro-Hungarian regiments. Both sides were supported by one on table regiment of mfield guns, and one regiment of heavy guns off trable. The Austro-Hungarians also had a regimetn of cavalry in reserve. The defending AH forces had had time to dig some light entrenchments and lay some wire, but their defences were very sketchy and incomplete. The game was fought with my 20mm armies, mostly HaT figures, with some Irregular MIniatures heavy weapons.
The defending troops in the upper regions of the photo, the photo taken from behind the Riussian advance in the lower regions. The Russian commander had taken a gamble with a flank march on his left, hitting the Austro-Hungarian right flank. The troops arrived in turn 1 of the game... ouch |
Defenders on the AH right |
The flank attack arrives stopping short of the defending Austro-Hungarian defenders, but right behind their flank |
Defening Austro-Hungarian troops on theior left flank |
One Russian Brigade attacked up the centre, supported by two batteries of 76mm guns |
The left flank attack begins to bite |
We played the game with all units unbder 'ranmdomn morale'. As fire opens, the flanking Russian brighade turns out to be 'Regular' morale, but all other units on both sides are 'Greeen'. This is going to be a tough fight.
It was also significant that neither side managed to get the support of its off table heave artillery... casualties would have been even higher had we done so.
All in all, a really interesting small scenario, albeit that it was made up on the fly as they say.