Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Game of Thrones in HotT

I spotted this link to some beautiful armies representing the armies of the Fantasy series 'Game of Thrones' by George RR Martin.

The armies are created for the fantasy rules set HotT (Hordes of the Things).

Sunday, December 1, 2013

The HotT 'feature' army of the day ..

From today's HotT Carnage tournament.. just had to be Gordon's Starwars army, made from Lego characters that were originally keyrings I believe. I can't recall the army list, nor the troops types that he used.

But anyway, enjoy!!!

HotT Soviets come out to play

More from today's HotT Carnage tournament.

While I had organised today's tournament, I opted not to play as we had an even number of players and, as organizer, I always feel that it's not appropriate to play if this creates a bye for others. However one player left the field, so I stepped in to make sure that the other players were able to (possibly) gather their pints from the last two rounds without sitting out  a bye.

I opted to field my Soviets. The army list is:

1 x Cleric general (Commissar)
2 x Knights
1 x God (artillery)
4 x shooters (SMG armed infantry)
4 x Hordes Riflemen)

This was round 5 and I was playing Paul, a new player fielding a LotR army.

Three shooters eliminated his behemoth chariot, and a warband on the Orcs left wing

Once my God appeared I attacked on the left, first hitting his flyer with the God from the rear, and then attacking from the front with my T34 knight.. another two points down

The God and knight made short work of the warband, and then hit a second warband.

And the game was pretty much all over. Mind you in Round 4 I'd faced Breian and was lucky to grab a draw after an hour of intense play. Brian's a wily campaigner, and good fun to play!!

HotT Carnage 2013

This was the sixth year in which we have staged our HotT Carnage tournament, and this year eight players took to the field to contest the much sought after Emperor Dragon trophy. To begin with here are a few choice shots of some of the armies.

Caveman God attacks  a German Wehrmacht General element in the flank.. this hurt!!

One Of this year's new armies from Mark.. nice stuff

Old hand 'gamer, but newbie in the HotT domain .. a Prussian Seven Years' War army fielded by Ion.. a touch of class on the battlefield, commander very ably by Ion.. well done!!

Another old hand gamer but newbie HotT player Brian with this great army.. the snakes are a 'beast' element.

Brian's behemoth element

Gordon's magician

The 7YW Prussians against Brian's army

Classy lads, eh!!

Prussian Lurker .. 

One of the two magicians in mark's new barbarian army.
 Read more on Mark's HotT adventures here.

The wehrmacht forces

OOps. more Prussians..

The overall winner for the day was Kevin with his Caveman army.. well done Kevin.

The Siege of Lucknow: a Volley and Bayonet game

This week, I joined Jon, Adrian and Alastair to play Adrian's scenario 'take' on the Siege of Lucknow from the Indian Mutiny. T...