Friday, February 9, 2024

Somewhere in the Peninsular .. maybe.. 1809 .. maybe

Spain, maybe... 1809, maybe... and a semi historical game using my 25mm armies, and the Volley and Bayonet rules. I say maybe, because the forces used included O(for example) British heavy cavalry which were not a feature of Wellington's Peninsular army. But this is only a semi historical game, with a small Spanish force held up in a fortified town complete with star fort, a besieging French force, and a British column on the way to relieve the seige.

The Spanish began the game occupying the town and fort (Jon's 15mm terrain, and a beautiful piece, too). Their troops were stationary. They were besieged by French troops occupying hasty works. The British relief forces were due to arrive turn three.. The French had 8 game turns in which to eject the Spanish and occupy the town and fort.

On the first turn Jon's French (including brigades of converged grenadiers M6 shock troops) assaulted the fort.

The Turn 1 French assault on the Spanish.. soundly defeated

The first assault was defeated, the net result was an entire French division going into morale collapse.

A close up of the first assault, which included a charge by a brigade of French Chasseurs, top right

The Spanish had occupied an outlying village on the left with a single regiment. The aim was to draw French troops away form the main works, buying time for the relief column to arrive. The French however eject the Spanish in turn 2.

Two successive assaults by the French on the right flank of the fort see the right flank defending Spanish division exhausted, with a single defending regiment remaining

The British relief column arrives, the cavalry taking the left to pin a force of French cavalry.

French forces fighting their way into the fort on the right

The relief column assaults the French forces holding the outlying village on the Spanish left

French infantry are now swarming into the fort.. the end is near for the few remaining Spanish defenders

French cavalry pinning the British cavalry

The aforementioned British cavalry ..

The final French assault on the last of the defenders, the second of the two artillery batteries

One of the two Spanish defending batteries in the fort remains... but not for long

The relief column has ejected the French from the outlying village

British artillery advancing with the relief column

Rule Britannia ...

French infantry are now completely in control of the fort and town

This is turn 6, and it is clear that the British relief column has failed to relieve the Spanish force which has been completely eliminated. In addition, with only two game turns left there is no chance that the British can retake the fort.

The game was fascinating. When Jon suffered one division exhausted in his first turn assault things didn't look hopeful for the French. However as we learn repeatedly with Volley and Bayonet, 'it ain't over 'til it's over'... 

The Siege of Lucknow: a Volley and Bayonet game

This week, I joined Jon, Adrian and Alastair to play Adrian's scenario 'take' on the Siege of Lucknow from the Indian Mutiny. T...