The Caucasus, 1915. Ottoman and Russian forces are racing headlong towards collision along the coast. Two Corp commanders, each so anxious to grab the coastal town and harbour of Pishtovo, both had left forces strung out behind them, and so when they collided they found themselves facing down an unexpected foe with less than their full complement of troops and artillery, and with little daylight left.
The field of battle, the town of Pishtovo front left alongside the coast and harbour. |
The Russian Corps commander pushed ahead with his two understrength divisions, one pushing through the steep mountainous inland terrain, the other pushing along the more gentle coastal plain to grab Pishtovo itself. |
The Russian right was supported by three 75mm artillery batteries. One regiment of 75mm guns had also been able to keep pace with the left flank division, and was set up ready to support the advance. |
The Ottoman commander had placed the weight of his advance in his centre, with a regiment of guns advancing with the division |
The Russian left advances along the mountainous ridge lines and the steep valleys |
The weight of the Ottoman centre os clear from this photo |
The Russian right flank division takes Pishtovo, and pushes its guns forward to support its defence |
The Russian left begins to get strung out along the steep mountainous ridge lines |
Advancing along the steepest longest ridge line |
Leading elements of the Ottoman centre |
Defence of Pishtovo is consolidated |
The Russian right comes under fire as the Ottoman artillery opens fire |
MMG fire against the Russian centre |
Russian artillery begins to fall against the Ottoman centre, and leading Ottoman companies are suppressed |
Close up of the Ottoman centre taking fire from Russian artillery and MMGs |
Ottoman fire again falls on the Russian right flank |
Russian troops holding the wooded area on the right take casualties |
Russian fire eliminates Ottoman infantry supporting the MMG company |
Action heats up on the Russian right as more Ottoman fire is brought to bear |
The Ottoman left flank regiment take heavy fire in return. This regiment turns out to be green |
On the Russian left, a 'regular' Russian brigade begins a frenzied battle for control of the cover. The are faced by veteran Ottoman infantry of the reserve regiment which had been committed to prevent the Ottoman right flank being turned. Veteran Ottoman infantry close assault a Russian company. The number of fire markers shows the intensity of the action. One Ottoman company is repelled from the assault by fire, but the other goes in. Both roll a '1',. but the veteran status of the Ottoman infantry decides the day |
The defending Russian company is eliminated |
The action had started late in the day, so darkness now fell, and both sides drew back to lick their wounds after a brief but bloody collision of forces. The fight would no doubt resume as the new day dawned.
We have started to get back into GWSH after a long break. Andy and I had played a smaller scenario a few weeks ago, to start to refresh our memories of the mechanisms. This game included Andy, Jon, and Jim, all keen but all equally finding the need for the refresh of mechanisms etc
In this game we added in a little off table artillery in addition to the on-table guns, and included some more complex terrain. The game was less about any sort of 'outcome' and more about pushing figures around and re-familiarising ourselves with the rules.
The game was played with Andy's Ottomans, and. my Russians, all 20mm HaT figures.
There will absolutely be more games. Next time, some heavier artillery, trench mortars and.. my fave .. counter battery artillery.