Textbook. Absolutely textbook. The instructors at St Cyr Academy would be proud. A textbook deployment in defence. High ground dominated. Interlocking fields of fire. Battalion reserves. Flanks protected. Ils ne passerant pas.,, the Bosches will not pass.
The setting is northern France, April 1940. Our first WW2 Spearhead in over a year, and the first outing for the new 6mm French army, fighting Keith's German army (both modelled from the Heroics & Ros range).
Keith's force was modelled form a Panzer Division (a panzer battalion, a recon battalion, a motorised battalion, and a mechanised battalion), while mine was from a French infantry division (three infantry battalions, an independent tank battalion equipped with FT17s, and artillery support).
The French plan was to hold positions behind the river, and support the open left flank with the independent tank battalion which was held back off table in reserve and available for commitment on command. All of the French units are 'Random' morale, that is their morale is determined when they first come under fire.
The German plan was to hold on the left with the motorised battalion, and probe down the right flank with the recon. The Panzer battalion was held off table in reserve ready to commit down this flank dependent on the situation, while the Gepanzert battalion was held in reserve off table in the centre, and so available to commit dependent on the situation.
The battlefield looking from the south. The French positions are on the left facing east. The Germans attack from the right (the west).
The French right with refused flank
The German motorised battalion advances against the French right
The French left
German recon advances
The French independent tank battalion was deployed behind the French left in reserve awaiting orders to advance and protect the flank.
The German recon battalion pushes forward attempting to bypass the French positions
Recon advance
The German left (motorised battalion) advanced and took up a holding position in front of the French right
The French reserve is committed in order to hold the flank |
The recon motorcycle platoon pushes forward, with the armoured car components of the recon battalion supporting.
The FT17s engage the advanced motorcycle platoon
The motorcycle platoon takes fire and is suppressed |
German recon elements call down fire from a supporting battalion of 105mm guns. They suppress and kill two platoons of FT17s. The battalion turns out tom be Regular |
The German artillery fire immediately drew counter battery fire from French 155mm guns tasked with CB support. One German battery was eliminated in the first turn of CB fore.