Saturday, February 1, 2025

The Gauls take to the battlefield

 Four of us gathered at Keith's this week for a round of DBA games. I'd just finished the Gallic army (II/ 11 ) (Essex, 15mm) and couldn't resist.  I modelled them as mostly fast warband, with a couple of solid Wb, a psiloi, and three cavalry. They didn't perform well under my generalship. Not to worry, they did better under the generalship of others .. yay!!

Just a few photos of that initial outing.

Friday, January 31, 2025

Tonkin Wars with Volley and Bayonet.

 For something a little different, a 15mm Volley and Bayonet game with Jon and Adrian, set in the Tonkin Wars in the 1860s, using Jon's beautiful 15mm armies. The row boats with oars come form Adrian's collection (and yes they are sporting British napoleonic figures).

The game was fictional, but based upon several French operations of the time, in which a shore landing was made in an effort to capture and destroy an ammunition depot.

The French landing was made with support from a naval gunboat ... of course!!!

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Naval Thunder .. in the Pacific

 Last week I played in the second naval game in a campaign series that Keith has organised, as I understand it as a part of a test of the campaign system for the writers. The game was played using Keith's 1/3000th ships (Navwar IIRC)  using the 'Naval Thunder' rules. Just a few random shots of Keith's beautifully painted miniatures.

Peninsular action: a 25mm napoleonic game

Four friends, a collection of 25mm Napoleonic figures, a table, a good rules set, some beers, and sausage rolls. Some of us are easily pleas...