With the move of house now 6 weeks behind us (blimey, really?) we are pottering with the task of establishing our base camp for life's excursions and endeavours. The main living areas and bedroom are pretty much cleared and liveable, while the 'study' is still something of a store room. The games room and garage are part way there.
The 'gaming table is once again extant in the 'games room, albeit not entirely accessible as there are still boxes of books and scenery beneath, around and on top of it.
I've spent today pottering in the garage. I inherited an extensive workshop when my father died 31 years ago, most of it unused since his passing. I have now sold and given away much of the machinery, keeping just three pieces of the machinery kit that I intend to use in some larger scale model making and general 'Shed' pottering. The new slimmer more compact workshop will be less intimidating.
My father was a fitter and turner and consummate handyman/craftsman/model maker. There was no problem that he couldn't solve (or so it seemed to me, even as an adult), and the machinery and gadgets he'd accumulated when he died were a fearsome collection for someone as limited as me. They were intimidating, and seemed to lurk in the garage taunting me. It has taken 30 years to gather the courage to dispose of them.
So now 'Sutton's Shed' will be reborn alongside the 'games room. The 'games room itself is a much flasher and more compact affair, albeit trying to house the same collection of miniatures, scenery and books. That in itself is proving to be something of a challenge. Lorraine also wants space for her crafts materials (she's a dab hand at a wide range of crafts).
First world problems, I guess, and a classic case of perseverance winning out.
Maybe I'll manage an inaugural game or two in the near future.
Saturday, April 11, 2015
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