Saturday, August 5, 2023

Boxer Rebellion with Volley and Bayonet

 There are some clever people out there, eh. These are the people who push the boundaries in our hobby, who make new things possible. It was Adrian, one of our wider group of colleagues, who introduced me to Volley and Bayonet way back in 1999, and we have been 'gaming with these rules ever since. The rules cover the period 1700-1900, and place the 'gamer at the division/corps/army level of command, so no messing around with single skirmish figures etc. The various sub-periods within that 200 year span are catered for with small, subtle, but highly impactful and clever, adjustments to the rules. This means that you can span the whole 200 year period with the same core rules.

One of Adrian's many areas of 'cleverness' is the ability to make similar adjustments for sub-periods not covered by the official rules. And .... they .... WORK. This week we played a 'Boxer rebellion' game (the first for Jon and me), with Chinese troops pitted against an array of the 'coalition' forces that fought against them just after the turn of the century. The game was fabulous, we used the absolutely beautiful figures ... and BOATS .. that Adrian has painted, to fight the battle, along with his beautiful terrain. This isn't a battle report, but merely a selection of photos from the battle.

The Siege of Lucknow: a Volley and Bayonet game

This week, I joined Jon, Adrian and Alastair to play Adrian's scenario 'take' on the Siege of Lucknow from the Indian Mutiny. T...