First Kings of war game for a long time, and it was the Dwarfs against Adrian's Orcs .... again.
Initial deployment, with obligatory bottle of Porter on the table edge. |
I pushed forward with the Brockriders (hey, I know they are spider riders, but .. it's my fantasy army LOL) on my right wing. They were supported by a steel behemoth. The unit of Orc Gore riders was destroyed in one turn, such were the casualties, and the high roll in the nerve test |
On my left a unit of Ironwatch confronts three Troll.. oh dear. |
A unit of Orc Ax push past the Ironwatch and towards the army standard bearer |
Adrian pushes his second unit of Gore Riders forward, supported by a Krudger on a winged slasher .. ooo , might not end well. |
The Dwarf Shieldbreakers wait in the centre |
The centre from the dwarven side. The Dwarf cannon had performed well, scoring a hit on the Orc Ax Horde (on the right of the photo) every turn for three turns. Eventually enough casuallties to break the unit. |
The Brockriders taking severe casualties. The Krudger attacked the steel behemoth. The Orcs won both combats, eliminating the Dwarf right wing .. the turning point of the game. |
The Orc horde wavering |
The Dwarf left wing Ironwatch survived two turns of combat against the trolls, |
The view of the Orc centre with the Horde gone. At this stage things still looked pretty good for the Dwarfs. |
Orc Ax get around behind the Dwarf left. The unit of Ironclad manage to turn to meet the threat. |
Finally the Ax and GreatAx make contact in the centre |
The Shieldbreakers .. well, they 'break'.. oo damn!!! |
The Krudger attacks the Dwarf King. |
The Ironguard are hit from the front and the side, as the Orc right wing Gore Riders break through. |
The Dwarf left.. almost all that is left of the Dwarf army. |
The King and the Krudger battle it out .. the Krudger won.. sigh |
The Ironguard are lost |
The standard bearer faces of against the Trolls .... |
... wavering, but thank goodness it was the last turn. |
So that was out first Kings of ear game in certainly a year, maybe longer. I had pulled the dwarf centre back remaining just out of charge reach, while maximising firepower on the Orcs. This worked, but once my right wing went, I decided to attack in the centre. This was the turning point of the game.
From the perspective of winning the game, I should have continued to pull back. However, the game was a lot of fun.