Russia, mid 1943. Two small brigade sized forces have been given tasks by Division that will bring them in to collision on the Russian steppe.
This was a small eastern front game that Adrian and I played using Adrian's Rapid Fire modifications. I was keen to see how they played with the mid war equipment after my introduction using Adrian's 15mm early war French and German forces. We used my 20mm forces.
The table, with Russian deployment on the left, German on the right |
German battalion support weapons - a 75mm IG platoon |
Russian support - a 76mm IG platoon |
The German centre |
The small armoured forces looked set to clash |
The small armoured action got underway as the German PzKwIV company engaged the Russians from hull down positions
The German armoured company managed to take up a hull down position and was ready to engage the Russian armour as it advanced in the open. Early casualties were suffered by the Russians. losing a T34 platoon, and taking casualties on a second |
Meanwhile a fierce infantry action developed on the Russian left as their infantry tried to take positions from a German battalion.
The Russian platoons inflicted early casualties as they managed to coordinate battalion mortar and MMG fire with their own platoon fire. |
The armoured action heated up. |
The Russian armour was able to take advantage of supporting fire from well positioned infantry AT platoons, with supporting artillery fire from an attached battery of 122mm artillery guns (off table).
With early success, the German commander reinforced his right with his reserve company.
The German advance takes heavy fire as the reserve company (upper right) pushes forward into cover. |
The battle continues on the Russian left |
Eventually the German firepower overwhelms the Russian companies. |
The German armour, sensing that it risks being overwhelmed by the combined tank, artillery and AT fire, pulls out form its hull down position. However one of the two remaining platoons takes flank fire from the Russian armour and AT platoon, and is overwhelmed. The German armour commander withdraws.
The Russian armour adjusts its positions, with the wrecks of German tanks seen burning in the distance. |
Last resistance on the Russian left is eliminated as the extra firepower from the German reserve company takes its toll |
The German reserve comes under heavy mortar and artillery fire and begins to suffer casualties. |
Both commanders realise that to make any further progress they will need reinforcements form Division.
This was an interesting game. The RF system plays much better in my opinion with Adrian;'s modifications. It still lacks the tactical finesse, the subtlety of Spearhead, but it provides for a interesting game none the less.
We agreed that we now need to add in more forces on a larger playing area, along with supporting aircraft. This additional layer will we think add even more interest.