Jon and I thought we'd try to get a little Great War Spearhead mojo back, so I set up a 1914/15 eastern front game between Russians and Austro-Hungarians.
The Russians approached with a Corps of two under strength divisions (only two brigades each), and only two regiments of 76mm field guns in support, fielded on table.
The Austro-Hungarians fielded a single division with all four regiments, one on-table regiment of 76mm field guns, and an off-table regiment of 104mm. They also had an independent regiment of cavalry. One of their regiments was already on-table occupying light entrenchments, and the remainder of the division was racing to reach them and support them before the full weight of the Russian attack could be brought to bear. As a scenario specific rule, the AH cavalry did not need to be within the command radius of the AH division, as it was deemed to be independent.
We managed 6 turns before time ran out, so the action was inconclusive, although we felt that the scenario design meant that the Russians would be hard pressed to defeat the AH's. In retrospect the Russians should have been able to field much more of their divisional and Corp artillery.
The advanced AH regiment, waiting for the relief forces to arrive |
An overview of the action early on, the Russians on the left. |
Russian advance |
Initial fire opened on the advancing Russians, the 104mm regiment causing first casualties |
Fire is returned on the Russians. One regiment of Russian guns is firing over open sights (direct) while the other is 'brigaded firing under control of a FAO |
The AH cavalry reserve arrives as a flank march .. scheduled for turn 3, this is turn 6 |
Russian Cossacks on the Russian right have dismounted and will face off against the AH cavalry |
Casualties begin to mount of the forward AH regiment |
A shame we miscalculated our time, but it was good to get some of the 20mm armies out onto the table.