Still digging through the boxes of unmade/unpainted kits and figures in the games room, I have to assure Lorraine that I am actually making progress on the pack up and clear out prior to our demolition. Every one of these unmade kits, or unpainted boxes of figures, that I assemble or paint is one fewer box to be packed away somewhere else.. honest, darling.
I think I bought this Emhar Mk IV Male tank way back when they were first released.
It is a reasonably nice kit with a couple of flaws, not the least of which is the unditching rails that are apparently manufactured to sit on the vehicle the wrong way around (the angle iron on the wrong side).
And if you want to see how one of these could look under the hands of someone more competent than me, take a look
here. This guy 'ditches' the ditching rails provided in the kit and makes his own.
The nice thing for me is that the tracks actually fitted reasonably well. I hate the old school track assembly stuff, they all too often didn't fit, and wouldn't stretch. That has been one reason for my preference for the current generation of 'fast build' kits. These however were fine, and just required that little bit of patience to allow glue to dry as they were shaped around the hull.
I chose to hand paint all of the markings.. when you look at historical photos, it always looks to me as if the markings and names had been painted/slapped on by the crews with a 4" brush.
Here's a photo of my latest effort alongside that of good friend Andy Gorman. His is the one at the rear, a better job than mine, bit they look fine together. |