We arrived home from a trip to Dunedin. Lorraine checked the letterbox, and came back with this little package.
It was the additional Heroics and Ros 6mm British vehicles I'd ordered to flesh out my 6mm armies for France 1940 games. A9s, and A13s, and Matilda 1s (oh, and enough Russian 1914 field guns for the 1914 Russian army, it seemed such a waste to send such a small order given the postage costs). Excellent, exciting and all that.
Then we walked to the front door of the house and there on the doorstep was this box.
Oh wow.. could it be? Surely not. Yep, the 1940 British and German vehicles that good friend Gerard had offered to help me get the 1940 France project underway for 20mm Spearhead. There were some unmade kits ...
... a battalion of early war (1940) Scots infantry ..
Oh, and some late war paras ..
.. complete with jeeps, artillery and AT guns, to add to the existing para forces .. wow, that was an un expected surprise.
Early war German armour ..
... and early war British armour .. A13s, and a Vickers Mk VI (plus a large artillery piece - British 6"), a carrier, a truck, and two 2pdr AT guns.
Yep, you are not seeing things, there was a little Russian equipment that will go nicely with the existing Russian forces |
OMG OMG OMG .. hog heaven, as they say.
The 20mm project was one that I had on the longer term horizon. Looks like it will hit the road running a little earlier than I'd anticipated.
Gerard.. 'b**y legend' .. we'll work out a little deal on this one. My only regret is that I missed catching up with Gerard when he delivered the boxes while over in Christchurch on a flying visit. Next time!!!!
We certainly sent three and fourpence, and are going to a dance!!!