Friday, March 27, 2020

On the creative use of junk...

In common with several billion of the planet's population, we are now in 'isolation'. There is a much nicer word in Te Reo Māori.. Rāhui. Sounds much nicer than 'isolation', or 'quarantine', but anyway, in amongst the challenges of leading a school remotely, I have some time finally to do some hobby work.

This project began a couple of weeks ago when I discovered the following 'bits' in the waste bin in our technology room. Students had been using our laser cutter to cut disks from mdf, and these were the waste product. They captured my attention immediately, although i wasn't sure quite what for. Home they came, and have sat on the work board for a few weeks.

With a little time now in hand, I then added these bits, a couple of spare painted zombie figures holding severed heads, and some grey Dacron, and just began 'playing'.

This is how I generally approach these creative projects. There is never a 'plan', I never start with sketches, I just sit bits and pieces together, I 'fiddle', trying one thing against the other, to see what captures my imagination.

This is what came out of the exercise.

Perhaps it might be called a 'furnace of tormented souls'. I imagined it being a part of the Undead army for HotT (Hordes of the Things'), perhaps a stronghold, maybe a behemoth, or simply a piece of terrain. Either way, I am pleased with how it came out, a nice little addition to the table top.

Here are some additional photos.

Stay safe and well, everyone.

As we say in New Zealand:
Kia tau te mauri
Kia kaha

The Siege of Lucknow: a Volley and Bayonet game

This week, I joined Jon, Adrian and Alastair to play Adrian's scenario 'take' on the Siege of Lucknow from the Indian Mutiny. T...