Saturday, January 3, 2015

HotT action and Soviet triumphs

It was that post Christmas lull, that time when most of us really can forget about that routine daily life and just relax. Our son Nick was staying with us, and we managed to fit in two HotT (Hordes of the Things) games one evening. In this game we pitched a British VSF army against a Soviet WW2 army.

The Brit army was:

1 x Blade general (Major general Caruthers of course)
1 x Hero (Lieutenant Winstanley)
1 x Magician
1 x Behemoth
32x Shooters
2 x Blade
1 x Rider

The Soviets had:
1 x Hero
1 x Behemoth general
1 x God (artillery, of course)
2 x Hordes (Riflemen)
4 x shooters (SMG troops)
1 x Flyer

First move, Soviets were the defenders.

Nice photo of the Yak flyer

The flyer zoomed into the British rear

Meanwhile Nick pushed his rider forward towards the Soviet flank

The magician threw some random magic at the flyer  ..

And the flyer fled

The Soviet God appeared

The Soviet shooters were inflicting casualties

The magician proceeded to destroy the Soviet flyer .. damn!!

The God hit the Behemoth in the flank and turned it. The first combat was a draw, and then Nick flanked the God with his magician

However thee God triumphed and destroyed the behemoth

The Hero got stuck in and Lt Winstanley was hors' de combat..
The game was over, with a victory to the Soviets. We decided to have a second game and I didn't photograph it fearing a repetitive series of photos. We swapped armies, and .. Nick thrashed me using the Soviets... one game all, and some dashed decent fun.

Christmas, families, and fun.. a great recipe for rest and relaxation.

Friday, January 2, 2015

Attack in the east 1914

A couple of months ago I put up a teaser for a 'forthcoming' AAR. It has taken quite some time, but finally it's done. You can find 'Attack in the east 1914' on the Great Adventure at

under  "After Action Reports". There are plenty of photographs, and a link to a new piece - a translation of a part of the Official History of the German Regiment Nr 88 outlining action during the Battle of Longlier 1914. It's a great description of infantry tactical doctrine of the time.

The Siege of Lucknow: a Volley and Bayonet game

This week, I joined Jon, Adrian and Alastair to play Adrian's scenario 'take' on the Siege of Lucknow from the Indian Mutiny. T...