A discussion on the Hordes of the Things (HotT) Facebook group about army strongholds (the HotT equivalent of camps in DBA) led me to look at the strongholds I have created. I began with the supposition that I am not very good at creating strongholds, and haven't created very many of them. So I gathered the strongholds I have created and photographed them to put up in the Fb group. Here are the results.
Undead.. something of a 'furnace of skulls', figures and skull commercial, all else scratch built |
Spiders... a small plastic spider on the left edge, otherwise scratch built |
Turkish VSF - the 'turrets' are old curtain rail end knobs, all else scratch buiilt |
Pirates - figures and palm trees are commercial |
Chaos, or more generally evil armies - the skull is a commercial piece, the rest scratch built using polystyrene packaging |
Lost Worlds - the Moai is an aquarium piece, and is the foliage. |
Strongholds are a great outlet for creativity, a great way of indulging our creativity as 'gamers and modellers. I have created more than I thought, but given the 15+ armies I've created, clearly there are quite a number missing their essential stronghold. I liked the suggestion from Alan Saunders that I use generic strongholds that will fit multiple armies. I like that. Thanks Alan.