Then this little fellow happened along:

A few days after the "dragon incident" I happened to be in a pet shop wandering amongst the aquarium accessories while my wife went about her business of buying two budgies for her aviary - notice how I claimed the moral high ground there, just in case Lorraine reads this). Now this looked to me like a very nice Stronghold.

Well actually a little more than that, there's this dragon and a stronghold, now joined by a box of the Caesar Ch'in Chinese and some Assyrian heavy chariots (easy conversions to Chinese chariots.. Knights under the HotT rules).
Oh, and there's this other dragon, you see.. it just popped into my hand in a "$2 Shop" .. magnificent wings, just needing an inspiring paint job, poor little guy (and no, I don't have a thing for dragons, they appear to be pretty unreliable under the HotT rules, but hey.. who could turn their backs on such a cute little guy).
Isn't this the wargamer's lot? It doesn't matter how many figures and armies we have, there's always another project that captures the imagination.
Damn.. the excited buzz of another project.