Saturday, January 27, 2024

Orc ships .... ahoy!!

This interest in modelling possible naval elements for the HotT  (Hordes of the Things) armies isn't abating (even though we haven't yet tested the possible 'naval rule add-ons' we've come up with). I had thought for a while about the next element, and decided that something that might suit the Orc army would be a good idea. I must confess to having something of the stereotypical mental image with random bolted steel plates, crooked engineering, big guns, and of course red, all the result of exposure to the concepts of a large miniatures company which shall remain nameless.

Anyway, here it is.... step by step.

The hull template, cut to ensure that there is somerthing approaching symmetry between the two sides of the hull

The basic hull was cut from foam board

I then proceeded to 'clad' the core with light card shapes to give the essential structure

A 'raked' masts,. the end of a kebab stick

Ladders from the spares box, and guns from a Churchill petard mortar, and the clicker end of a very old Bc biro

Based on heavy card, using 'No More Gaps' to contour the waves

At this stage I felt that the model still lacked something, so proceeded to give it a couple of crooked funnels, and a little deck 'furniture'. just to pad it out a little. See the final photos for details.

Below are photos of the finished product, an Orc ship suitable for bashing and shooting.. as all good Orcs will know. The triangular sail was part of the remains of a small model of the Cutty Sark, most of which has disappeared in the mists of time, but some of which was still to be found in the bottom of my 50 year old 'spares box'.. and as any modeller knows, the spares boxes of old modellers are a veritable treasure trove.

I guess we really are going to have to try out the 'naval' rules (which as mentioned previously have been largely based on Phil Barker's DBR rules). If we think they work (and at this stage I can't see why the won't), then will publish them for anyone to use.

The Siege of Lucknow: a Volley and Bayonet game

This week, I joined Jon, Adrian and Alastair to play Adrian's scenario 'take' on the Siege of Lucknow from the Indian Mutiny. T...