After nearly 30 years, my wife Lorraine finally said.. "if you can't beat 'em.., I want an Angel army". So we spent a number of weeks before Christmas looking for figures she liked. We discussed the idea of a paladin, a knight on a white charger, some foot knights maybe, to give some ground elements. Nope, I want angels. But they would be flyers, and all flyer army will be hard to sue for a first time player. Nope, I want angels.. OK... Someone on the HotT list did point out that not all angels have wings, but these all did, so here it is.. an army of angels (with a couple of fairies thrown in for good measure.. why? She liked the figures!!), and all flyers. Lorraine even did the basing herself, clouds....not bad, eh!! We just have to complete a Stronghold.
1 x Aerial Heroine, the big angel dude!!
2 x Airboats, the large fairy flyers
6 x flyers, little angel babies

Now it seems that husband/wife wargaming may be taking off. Tim of Saskatchewan recently reported his first
HotT date with his wife, and made comment on a growing trend reported elsewhere on the web. I'm looking forward to something similar, doubtless with the full range of distractions and other womanly ploys to defeat me....