Saturday, February 5, 2022

St Julien 1915 ...

It's always great to get the Great War Spearhead armies out onto the table. This time it was Jon's wonderful 10mm armies. Jon created a very cool scenario  (he's very good at that!!) set during 2nd Ypres, following the gas attacks against the Canadians, and centred around the town of St Julien. There was an element of 'historical license' in Jon's scenario construction in order to make an interesting game. The terrain has a covering of snow, and there were British armoured cars, and aircraft on both sides.

The game was structured around a remnant of the gas shocked Canadians holding the town of St Julien in the centre of the table, a British division advancing. to relieve them and seal of the hole in the British lines, while a German division advances to the attack, intent on exploiting the gap that they have created with their initial gas supported attack.

My apologies for the 'tease', but we spent so much time yarning the game never reached any sort of resolution. 

However here are a few photos of Jon's wonderful armies.. 

Sunday, January 30, 2022

Warpath in 6mm

Andy and I toyed with the Mantic warpath and Firefight systems not long after they came out. We decided to get back in to some Warpath .. we like the system, which I described as Epic Armageddon Lite. The activation system creates a really interesting game dynamic far superior to anything in the sci fi genre that we have seen before.

We did ponder whether some Spearhead mechanisms might adapt to this too, but that's a very different matter. Anyway, no AAR, just few photos. e sue the perspex explosion markers to mark suppressions on units.  

The Siege of Lucknow: a Volley and Bayonet game

This week, I joined Jon, Adrian and Alastair to play Adrian's scenario 'take' on the Siege of Lucknow from the Indian Mutiny. T...