(Photo courtesy of Games Workshop)
It's almost the last part of the plan for a tactically more mobile Dwarf army (I have to buy some new LC, as apparently the Empire Pistolliers (bought and painted as a Rare Choice Dogs of war selection) are not usable in a tournament army, even in the 'counts as' role).
I've commented previously that I've succumbed to the Artillery lure, with a Cannon, although that made sense as providing something that might take down larger monsters/characters, and after all, how much fun can it be having an artillery piece that might blow up in your face??? (Definitely more fun than a ferret down the front of your trousers, as they say - not that I've tried that too often.. honestly). But this tactical mobility thing is big in my mind.. just gotta see if I can make it work.
The down side: the kit is all metal, and I hate assembling GW metal kits...