Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Progress with the Spanish.

A quick up-date on progress with the DBA Iberian Spanish army.

You can tell it's holidays - when else would I have time to do this. The bulk of the painitng has been completed, with straps, boots, weapons, and horse furniture to be done, before finishing the bases. I think they'll be ready for the Woolston DBA tournament on 10 January.

I was especially pleased with today's acquisition: this fine looking piece for use as the army's Camp. I am aware that the Spanish at this stage were certainly not some group of 'hairy barbarians', and I have been wondering exactly what I should use as my camp.

A visit to a local aquarium shop yielded up this little beauty: a ruin, admittedly, but suitably splendid all the same, I felt.

Middle East scenario .. the Es Salt raid.

It's been a while but I finally got around to posting another WW1 scenario to 'The Great Adventure'. The scenario (The End of the Es Salt raid) was sent to me by Eric Spicer, a WW1 'gaming colleague who has authored most of the Middle east scenarios on the web site. It includes Australian Light Horse and NZ Mounted, as well as an armoured car and a couple of Light Cars.., on the ANZAC side, and plenty of Turkish infantry opposing them. The battle was ample proof that despite the decline of Turkish arms and influence later in the war, Turkish soldiers were still capable of giving allied forces a good 'bloody nose' in 1918.

The scenario provides good excuse to buy and paint up some of the new HaT Australian Light Horse figures, if you are 'gaming in 20mm. I must get myself organised and get some more of these great figures painted and ready to fight.. Andy's Turkish infantry are waiting!!

Towns and rivers: an ACW game

This week's VnB game was an American Civil War game with Murray, fought using my 15mm armies. The scenario creates a battle over strateg...