I hadn't gamed with Jon for ages, so we set up a rendez-vous in his games room. Jon set up a scenario based around the Battle of the Pyramids 1798, using his 6mm figures and the Volley and Bayonet rules, as the French under General Bonaparte attack the Mamluk army. Jon's Ottomans doubled as the Mamluk forces.
Jon''s source map for the battle |
The view from Cairo across the Nile, the Mamluk army on the left, the French on the right |
The French gunboats supporting the French.. more on these later |
I thought Jon had bought these form an English manufacturer.. nope, these are scratch built.. outstanding work, Jon |
Mamluk infantry attacks the French |
We had run out of time by the time the Mamluk infantry bashed several holes in the French position |
The Mamluk cavalry had battered itself into submission with several attacks around the French flank. However the Mamluk Sipahi lancers were untouched and ready to exploit the holes that their infantry had create din the French defences.
An outstanding gam n a different theatre. As we played on a work night we were limited for time. Next time....