Saturday, August 29, 2015

12 hour paint-a-thon conclusion

Well, it's done. We didn't quite make the 12 hours, even we two adults flagged after 11 hours and packed up. So was it successful?

Not sure really. One of the boys completed his Greeblie HotT army, but none on the others managed this. They took on too much for a start. I ought to have advised them to start with a dozen figures and got them to finish those. The sense of accomplishment might have been far greater.
We'll see what their attitudes are like next week.

For my part, I completed the Sdkfz 222, and the Vickers Mk VI. The Sdkfz 232 is almost complete, but I face the lace-like radio antenna array with some trepidation. The PzI is partly done, but trying to assemble it in the time available was optimistic. The running  gear needed time for the glue to harden properly  (it is too finely moulded and brittle to take chances with) so that has been set aside for a while before I recommence work. I discovered that there was a Kubelwagon with the 222 kit (an added bonus), but again I had to leave that to allow glue to harden. However it will do nicely as an artillery observer element in the 1940 German army.

The Matilda II was base coated ready for assembly, but there it sits.

So, over all I think it was worthwhile. I learnt a few things (like how much pizza 14 and 15 year old boys can eat), but I need to get the boys to 'chunk' their projects much much more (in the same way that I teach them to 'chunk' content for learning .. and I thought I;'d done that with their painting plans). Obvious really, you'd think I should have known that.

I think we'll repeat the exercise next year. And now, a wine and some sleep.

Paint-a-thon progress

Seven and a half hours done... and here's some of the utput sio far.

Brit Para zombies (HotT) and French Napoleonic infantry


German infantry for Crossfire


Those Brit Paras again

The Greeblies with basing underway.. another coat of green to go

Colourful behemoth in the Greeblie army

And my own output so far .. I am putting off adding the antenna array to the 232 nearest the camera, but will have to confront it soon

12 hour paint-a-thon 4 hours in

Four hours in, and work is progressing.

For my part, two vehicles on the way. The Sdkfz 222 base coated and assembled, just waiting for everything to dry before I give it a wash, and do some lining. The 232 is proving a little slower. Still plenty to do with the other vehicles as well.

German 1940s vehicles in progress

More HotT Greeblies

A box of Perrys' French Napoleonics assembled about to be undercoated

British Paras heading towards zombie status for HotT

There's LotR stuff, and German troops for Crossfire/Spearhead on this table

And some Tau 40K
It's quite a nice mix of painting and interests being fuelled here.

It begins.. 12 hour paint-a-thon

I've been contemplating this for a number of years: a 'paint-a-thon' for the College boys, an opportunity to create their own armies. The idea came from a GW event that used to run, same principle, 24 hours.
24 hours? I don't think so, but 12 I thought might just be manageable. So, here are the first shots for the day.

My own temporary painting table
 I've set myself a goal to complete several 1/72 scale kits that came with the recently acquired Gerard Davey stash. These are 1940s vehicles for France 1940 Spearhead. First up are three German light vehicles

The Siege of Lucknow: a Volley and Bayonet game

This week, I joined Jon, Adrian and Alastair to play Adrian's scenario 'take' on the Siege of Lucknow from the Indian Mutiny. T...