Saturday, April 15, 2023

Dem orcs... arr ..deyz taken our camp wif da grog..

 "Arr we be returnin' from a pillagin' an' a wumpin' an' a hollerin' and there be those 'orrible orcses a yellin' an' a hollerin an' a swearin' at us sumfin 'orrible .. arrrrr.. dancin' 'roun' our strong 'old dey wuz.. sumfin' 'orrible... arrrrrr"

A HotT game, Nick and me, Pirates vs Orcs,.., with the orcs defending, specifically defending the pirate stronghold which they had previously captured while the pirates were away pillaging and .. um.. <ahem>  .. you get the picture.

The armies were:
2 x behemoths
1 x shoooter
3 x blades
2 x knights
1 x hero general

1 x hero general
1 x behemoth
1 x airboat
1 x horde
1 x blade
5 x warband
The pirate stronghold being defended by the orcs

The forces faced off with the pirates' attack running along either side of a river that ran past the contested stronghold

The view from behind the pirate attack

Orc chariots (knights)

Pirate behemoth, supported by a hero (the fella with the treasure map_)

And the pirate airboat... how could you choose the pirate army and not take the airboat

Two orc behemoths

Pirate blade and warband, facing off against the behemoths

Pirate horde, the obligatory drunken pirates

The pirates rush at 'em, the airboat holding back

An orc behemoth makes a breakthrough killing a pirate warband

argy bargy on the pirate right

Not looking at all flash on the pirate left

The airboat gets stuck in against the orc blades

The airboat starts to get into the action

Having cleaned up against the pirate left, the orcs shift across to try and cross the river and attack the remainder of the pirate army

The airboat and the pirate behemoth work in cooperation to try to kill off more orcs


The orcs have cross the river and charge into the attack behind the airboat

... killing off the pirate hero and another warband.. oops the pirates have had enough

So the pirate attempt to recapture their stronghold/camp was un successful. But what a great game. The river if not a terrain feature we commonly use. We need to... 

The Siege of Lucknow: a Volley and Bayonet game

This week, I joined Jon, Adrian and Alastair to play Adrian's scenario 'take' on the Siege of Lucknow from the Indian Mutiny. T...