Thursday, September 10, 2015

Settling in to the 20mm France 1940 project

It was the Christchurch annual Bring and Buy last weekend and yes I did spend a little. Well VERY little actually. I picked up this 1/72 scale Pzkw II from Tony. Yep that was all.. no seriously, with all that goodness available there.. that was ALL I bought. But I needed (yes NEEDED) it for the 1940 France project using the Spearhead rules. With the 6mm army for the same theatre/period pretty much done, it was time to turn the attention back to the 20mm version so that Nick and I can enjoy some more Spearhead 'gaming goodness.

The PzII as purchased

The same Pzkw II repainted for France 1940

And the two kids posing together. Lovely looking family, aren't they

Now here is that Kubelwagon I began on the 12 hour paint-a-thon. It'll make a nice artillery observer stand.

You may also recall the Pzkw IIIs and IVs that I bought from Gerard. I decided to add my own little bit of flavour to these, so I first gave them a wash with Citadel's Nuln Oil wash. This turned out to be a bad move. There appeared to be a chemical reaction between the base paint and the wash. I'd seen this the week before when I applied the Nuln oil to Tamiya German Grey, but I'd forgotten this when I gave the tanks a wash (yep, a slow learner). This meant that I had to touch them up, and then give them a wash using watered down black paint. They were finished with a simple and crude lining out using a dark grey.

The five Pzkw IIIs completed and ready for table top action. I may yet give them all a base.

One of the Pzkw IIIs in detail

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

6mm vehicles - quick 'runs on the board'

Had these undercoated, with bases ready to go, for several weeks, so it seemed a good idea to get some more quick painting 'runs on the board' by finishing them tonight. These are the 6mm British vehicles for the 1940 British army.

There are some Mk I Matildas, some A9s, A10s, and one extra A13 to offer a couple of armoured options for the British. Specifically I can do a couple of armoured regiment options, and also an independent armoured brigade with the Matildas.

The vehicles on the painting board

One of the A9s

The ever glorious Matilda Mk I

That saw some quick runs on the board with that side of the project completed. Now to the 20mm armour that has been sitting partially finished.

The Siege of Lucknow: a Volley and Bayonet game

This week, I joined Jon, Adrian and Alastair to play Adrian's scenario 'take' on the Siege of Lucknow from the Indian Mutiny. T...