Last week Keith introduced me to his WW2 naval 'tipple', the Naval Thunder Rules, using his 1/3000th scale miniatures. The game was enjoyable. I commanded two British heavy cruisers (Exeter and York), part of a Royal Navy battle group in the Mediterranean, opposing elements of the Italian fleet.
The game was nicely paced, an enjoyable and sociable game with a great social bunch. I did manage to have Exeter blow up.
Some shots of Keith's lovely models:
It did take me back to 1987 when a group of us refought the Battle of Jutland in 1/3000th, using the General Quarters 2 rules. I modelled the High Seas Fleet, while good friend Gerard modelled the Grand Fleet. I'm not sure what ever happened to Gerard's collection, much of it scratch built painstakingly by Gerard on those lonely nights in motels while he worked as a traveling salesman.
HoweverI still have the High Seas Fleet.
Who knows, maybe they'll live to see action on the high seas again one day.