Saturday, February 8, 2025

Early Hungarian army for DBA

Years ago (as in, at least 15) I bought a bulk of 15mm Ottoman figures second hand, which gave me the Ottoman army.  Initially the figures were for a DBA Ottoman army, but there were far more than required for that and given the minimal changes in uniforms etc I proceeded to paint them up for DBR. May of the figures obviously double for both.

There were however other figures in the bags that puzzled me for some time, until friend Jim helped me to identify them as Serbians (archers) and Hungarians. Once identified, I painted up what I had for a DBA IV/43(c) Hungarian army. I was a few figures short, and Jim came to the rescue with the necessary 6 figures for 3 LH elements, and a crossbow base. Thanks Jim!!!!

So, here is is, the completed Hungarian army. One of the attractions was the 6Knight bases, something that I don't have in any other army. When choosing armies I NEVER look for something that is 'powerful', a 'winner' etc, but rather for things that interest me, that inspire me, or that offer different opportunities in games. The 6Knight bases offer that.

The completed army

3Knight general

Light Horse

Those Serbian archers

Horde bases

The 6Knight bases

So, sometime soon, there will be games ... 

Friday, February 7, 2025

The 100 Days...

Game four for the week was a 4000 point Volley and Bayonet game set in 1815 during the 100 days. We used the Volley and Bayonet rules, and the 'Road to Glory' scenario system. It was played using Keith's 6mm armies. 

Richard and I commanded the allied army, Keith, Alastair, and Andrew, the French.

Richard had some of the worst luck I can recall in a war game in decades I think. His flank was devastated by Keith's French attack.. a well coordinated attack using French cavalry and the Old Guard (that said, Richard did manage to defeat the Old Guard, forcing them in to 'Exhaustion')  ... 'un catastrophe' for the allies. However it was still a chance to push lovely miniatures around a table with great company.

Boer War with Volley and Bayonet

 One of the many things I love about VnB is the way in which small changes in the rules significantly alter the play, the whole feel, of the game. Adrian has a series of tweaks that allow Boer War actions to be totally playable. For example, the Boers are all skirmish stands, sharp shooters, shoot with two dice... you get the idea. If you know the rules, I realise you might go 'what?', but the point is that they work. Game three for the week was a Boer war action with Adrian, Jon, and Alastair. A train was trapped, the Boers having partially damaged the line. A relief force was on the way. Could they make it?

No they didn't. We were too cautious with the relief force, and the Boer troops managed top destroy the train's guarding force before we managed to get there. A really fun game. The game was played using Adrian's 15mm armies.

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Ottoman outing with DBR

Just a few shots of tonight's DBR outing, Ottoman Turks vs New Model Army. The second game as I try to re-learn the rules, thanks to Keith's patience. The game was relatively short, and didn't end well for the Ottoman army. However, lots more learned. The game was played with our 15mm armies.

Battle at Helena, 1863

With friend Murray interested in ACW, and enjoying our Volley and Bayonet games so far, we tried a take on an 1863 historical scenario, Helena. The game we played was vaguely similar to the historical battle, but scaled, massaged, and adjusted, to make something more of it. Historically, the Confederate forces made some headway, but were eventually driven off by the Union defenders who were well supported by a gunboat in the river at their back. Their artillery was seriously delayed by the muddy state of the roads along which they'd advanced. In our game this meant that by the time it arrived on the table, the battle was decided.

Union defenders on the left, holding the high ground and the town nestled against the river

Union artillery in field defences

The Union gunboat

Confederate attack in the centre

Close up of the Union defences

Advance against the centre

Confederate attempt to push around their left/the Union right flank

The bold Confederate charge against the centre

... and against the Union left on the Confederate right flank

Both attacks in the centre were repulsed. The two brigades making the attack against the artillery failed morale, lost the combat, and routed.

The Confederate attack on their right against the Union left was repulsed

Pressure was applied against the Union right, but too little, too late

An interesting scenario, a difficult 'ask' for the Confederate attackers, but a wee bit of fun all the same. The game was played with my 15mm armies, mostly Freikorps models.

Towns and rivers: an ACW game

This week's VnB game was an American Civil War game with Murray, fought using my 15mm armies. The scenario creates a battle over strateg...