Years ago (as in, at least 15) I bought a bulk of 15mm Ottoman figures second hand, which gave me the Ottoman army. Initially the figures were for a DBA Ottoman army, but there were far more than required for that and given the minimal changes in uniforms etc I proceeded to paint them up for DBR. May of the figures obviously double for both.
There were however other figures in the bags that puzzled me for some time, until friend Jim helped me to identify them as Serbians (archers) and Hungarians. Once identified, I painted up what I had for a DBA IV/43(c) Hungarian army. I was a few figures short, and Jim came to the rescue with the necessary 6 figures for 3 LH elements, and a crossbow base. Thanks Jim!!!!
So, here is is, the completed Hungarian army. One of the attractions was the 6Knight bases, something that I don't have in any other army. When choosing armies I NEVER look for something that is 'powerful', a 'winner' etc, but rather for things that interest me, that inspire me, or that offer different opportunities in games. The 6Knight bases offer that.
The completed army |
3Knight general |
Light Horse |
Those Serbian archers |
Horde bases |
The 6Knight bases |
So, sometime soon, there will be games ...