After a long drawn out term I've finally finished the most recent painting project: the 20 Cultists from the latest WH40K boxed set. Last year three of us held a small painting competition in which we aimed to paint 400 points of 40K figures for Combat Patrol, and I chose
Lost and the Damned. Since then the most recent rules version and Chaos Codex have come out, and L&tD has become the generic name for Chaos. Mutants have disappeared (were they ever really there?) and humans in the service of Chaos are termed Cultists.
I have quite enjoyed the painting (even though I can't quite say the same for the games rules) and so indulged myself with the purchase in order to paint some more figures. I decided to use the same theme that I'd used for my existing Mutants: pale flesh tones, rag-tag camouflage uniforms and dark base finish in order to tie these latest Cultists in with the earlier efforts.
Latest cultists mixed with the earlier mutants |
And again alongside the earlier mutants |
They seem to work in well together. Now competent 40K 'gamers will probably tell em that these will never be the basis for a competitive Chaos army, but.., hey .. that wasn't the aim. I've had fun painting them.