Friday, January 24, 2025

A small ACW piece of action.

Another ACW game, played with the Volley and Bayonet rules, and my 15mm armies. I have started introducing friend Murray to the rules, and this week we played a small more traditional game (Murray's second) set as a meeting engagement, but with armies deployed. I commanded the Confederate forces, and Murray the Union. 

The Union force was mostly M4 (which meant lower 'exhaustion' levels) with several M5 units, and two stands of M6 sharpshooters, but outnumbered the Confederates by a complete division. The Confederate army included one M6 shock unit, and one sharpshooter stand.

I deployed the division with the shock troops on the left, planning to attack there and hold in the centre and right. The game played out with the delightful perversity so common in games that include dice. My shock unit went in against an M4 unit. Both passed their morale throws. I managed one hit in melee. Murray rolled three 6's/three hits, won the melee and eliminated the shock unit (which had only three strength points).

In the centre Murray ejected me from the town sector, routing my occupying brigade which was disordered having just entered the town. I then managed to enter a firefight against Murray's centre which resulted in a second of his divisions becoming exhausted, and then suffering a moral collapse (having taken three casualties in the turn on which it became exhausted).

On the right I attacked with a division of standard M5 units, and managed to exhaust Murray's opposing division. 

We called the game having got to the point where neither of us had sufficient strength left to attack the other's remaining forces.

My initial occupation of the town sector in the centre

Confederate advance on the right

Confederate left, with the shock unit nearest the camera

An excellent wee game, offering lots of learning opportunities, for me included.

The Battle of Driskos in the Balkan Wars 1912

Having spotted a Balkan Wars scenario in the Great War Spearhead iOGroup files section, I invited Jon to come on over and give it a go. The ...