A scourge had descended upon the battlefields of the future. A scourge had taken hold, a scourge crept and crawled and scuttled, a scourge that had to be defeated. And the troops of the Imperial German Kaiser had stepped up, intent on showing that they were up to the task.
The first HotT game in a while, and Andy's Weird World War Germans were attacking my spider hordes.
My horde army consisted of:
1 x hero general
1 x behemoth
1 x spider God
10 x spider horders
2 x spider lurkers
Andy's Germans were:
1 x hero general
1 x behemoth
1 x airboat
3 x undead hordes
3 x shooters
3 x blades
(oops.. 2 points too many)
The Germans advance against the spiders, but a 6 on their second turn means the spider God arrives |
On the other flank, hero general and behemoth go against hero general and behemoth |
The German airboat swoops behind the spider line |
Argy bargy along the line |
Spider behemoth |
The spider hero general attacks the airboat.. early success! |
Two spider hordes come back.... |
The airboat is destroyed |
Along the line |
The God is engaged against a blade |
All very untidy, and another horde returns |
German hero vs spider behemoth |
The horde line is being forced back by a combination of fire and combat. At about this stage the spiders roll a 1 for PIPs and the God disappears.. |
. A
The hordes clearly seen backs against the wall, multiple hordes brought back and still in contact with their stronghold |
The spider hero and behemoth are also being pushed back |
Serious holes in the horde line |
The hordes push forward to try to get clear of their stronghold |
Horde casualties seen off the 'table' waiting to come back on |
A German horde is brought back on, and as it passes through some bad going it is attacked by a spider lurker.. the spider loses an flees from the battlefield |
The lines lock in combat again, the spiders are sitting 11 AP casualties |
One last casualty and the spiders are defeated, the world is cleansed of the scourge |
What a cool game.,. not too demanding after a very hectic work week.. lots of kōrero, a beer, and the chance to push figures... a good Friday night