Sunday, July 20, 2014

References for buildings for Normandy - wargames terrain

We've just returned from a two week jaunt that took in California and France. While in France we stayed with my brother and sister-in-law who have restored and live in a Norman farm house. Their house is situated in the small village of Fresville, just 5 minutes by car from St Mere Eglise.

The French leg didn't include any battlefields this time, but it did strike me that I number amongst my friends and wargames colleagues a number of people who game World War 2 in north west Europe, and some who scratch build their own wargames terrain. So with that in mind I went for a wander and snapped a range of shots of Norman buildings with the thought of creating a small reference tool for wargamers/modellers, something that they could use to create terrain suitable for games set in Normandy.  I've added short captions for some of the photos to help interpret the structures. These are not modern facsimiles of Norman buildings: they are the authentic/original thing, the structures themselves are often 300+ years old.

The Fresville 'church hall'.

Close up of the buttressing of the walls of the church hall.

The Fresville church


Detail of the entry to a courtyard area behind housing.

Classic Norman house profile.

Another classic Norman house profile.

Entry gate details

Village 'communal well' .. a nice detail that could be included with any wargames terrain building.

Yes, some Norman buildings have dormer windows

Often seen, external brackets indicating the presence of structural reinforcing within.

Outbuildings ...

Another classic farmhouse profile

Outbuilding to farm house.. this one was originally the bakery for the farm workers

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