To the Honourable Gentlemen of Horseguards
Sirs, I have the honour to report to you that following our work to sweep aside the piratical hordes of Guayabo, we advanced into the depths of the misty jungles. On the second day, our advance brought us onto a swampy plain on the far side of which was a host the like of which we have never seen in our times. For there arrayed before us were savage tribesmen of a particularly horrid demeanour alongside beasts that we would have thought to be solely the product of a deranged artist in a child's book.
They came at us at a trot, the roar of beasts a terrifying accompaniment to the horrific cries of the wild men (if men they proved to be).
The Lost Worlds forces advance against the British line. Incantations rose abocve the cry of battle as the tribesmen hoped to raise the Ape God to come to their aid. |
Sirs, I sent Lord Chelting of Cheam deep behind the enemy line in his fantastical flying machine, in the hope that an assault from behind would be enough to unseat the cursed foe.
Chelting and his flyer (aerial hero) can be see top left as the lines approach |
The line clash, the warband are thrown back. Chelting has attacked the pterodactyl flyer, sending it plummeting to the ground |
Chelting ... good man, that!! |
The enemy came at us again, and at this point I fear that I must report a most unfortunate event in which the glorious boys of my very own bodyguard were brought down around me. To their credit their dying act was to throw their bodies atop me protecting m form the ravages of the horrendous barbarian horde.
The warband general hits Caruthers (blade).. a 1 rarely ends well against a 6, Caruthers blade stand is eliminated |
The giant dinosaur behemoth batters against another blade unit, |
Lieutenant Winstanley ( a damned fine hero, that boy) pushes past the behemoth to allow a shooter unit to take the behemoth in the flank, but the behemoth beats them back |
They go in again, and a second blade until is eliminated, again on a 1 and a 6 |
In the next turn Winstanley attacks the behemoth, and again the British are cursed with a 1:6 die result against them |
A warband unit attacks Doctor Morgenstein and his amazing machine- he has been hurling his magic wherever he can |
The warband is driven off |
Lord Chelting swoops in to attack a band of enemy magicians who have been trying to cast their own spells over the British troops |
Chelting is driven off, and the magicians try to bespell him again, without success. Winstanley goes into the behemoth once more |
Once more the curs eof the 1vs6.. Chelting is brought down by the magicians |
The warband are driven off again by Dr Morgenstein |
Magic courses through the air, |
A unit of British blade sweep onto the flank of the warrior magicians, supported by a unit of British shooters... |
There's nothing quite like British steel to do the business.. they certainly don't like it up 'em, the magicians are eliminated, and the battle is won |
Despite my own inconvenience I can report that we finally broke the spirit of these cursed men and beasts. I can assure your Lordships that I am well recovered from my own regrettable indisposition, but mourn the loss of so. many of our brave lads. We plan to push forward into the very interior of this place on the 'morrow.
I remain, Sirs, your obedient servant
Major General Sir Chelmswood Reginald Augustus Piers Caruthers
Fantastic report, Robin. Looking forward to the next.