Thursday, December 21, 2023

Turkish field artillery

While I wait for the arrival of the next order of 6mm equipment I have been scouring the boxes to see what else I could use to flesh out the WW1 projects. I found a number of German artillery pieces sitting unused in a box of what I thought was surplus 6mm WW1 models and figures, and a little research showed quite a lot of the Turkish artillery was in fact supplied by German manufacturers. 

An easy decision, as the Middle East Turkish forces had no artillery yet. So.. a full division's worth of 77mm Field Guns for the Turkish army.

Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Roman Gods eh?

The mythical Roman army (using those long since painted and discredited Airfix Roman legionaries) has sat around for quite a while. The original legionaries were painted in 1974/75 as the start of a Roman army for WRG Ancients 3rd Edition.

I painted up some beasts bases last week, and the army had another addition today: a God in the form of a 54mm Roman Tribune figure courtesy of friend Andy.

The idea is not original (friend Nick created a cool Roman army a decade of more ago). It did however seem to be such a good idea, that I ought to do the same. When creating HotT armies I generally try to create a different combination of elements to the other armies I have, and I don't have one that is largely blades/beasts/God. This is it. There are some warband and spears to come.

Thursday, December 7, 2023

ROOOAAARRR!! Beasts!!!

Some time ago I renovated some old Airfix 20mm Roman infantry, imagining a 'mythical' Roman army. Mythical because the old Airfix figures are not exactly historically accurate. There is however an appeal to using the figures, and of course Hordes of the Things as a fantasy rules set doesn't require any degree of historical accuracy whatsoever. There are of course enough of them to make a good HotT army.

Friend Andy gave me several sprues with gladiators and other bits, including some animals .. lions, a panther, and a bear. So what better than a few bases of beasts .. seems totally appropriate.

As the Romans were all painted and based several decades ago, they used a basing style that I don't use anymore, having (I hope) improved my basing considerably. However the idea of completely redoing the basing of the existing figures didn't appeal, so I had to replicate the old base finish style. I think it still works, I just don't like to as much.

The beasts with a few of the Airfix boys..

Saturday, November 25, 2023

One of those sad days, the saddest ...

I'm sitting in front of the keyboard in something of a state of shock, certainly a state of profound sadness, having this morning received the news of the passing of long time friend and 'gamer Gerard Davey.

Gerard joined our group of 'gamers and friends early on, sometime around the mid 70's, even before the Christchurch Wargaming Society was formally registered. He was an enthusiastic 'gamer, and a highly skilled modeller and scratch builder, and his work on his 20mm WW2 Italian army was legendary. He was a prolific painter in his day, building an especially large collection of 25mm Napoleonics, and a slightly smaller collection of 25mm ancients armies.

He was one of the group of us who made the first ever sortie down to Dunedin in 1975, his Morris Oxford, and my Austin A30 Countryman, hosted by veteran 'gamer Al Duncan, visiting a core group of 'gamers down there from whom we caught the 'ancients' bug.

He spent a large part of his early career as a commercial traveller, and I well remember the modelling box that he carried with him, spending those long hours in motel rooms scratch building miniature tanks and vehicles to 20mm scale. Some years ago he gifted me a selection of those vehicles. They are treasures.

We know that this end comes to us all as we return to the stardust of which we are made, and we knew that Gerard was terminally ill, with little time left on this earth, but despite that certainty I faced this prospect with that sense of denial one has that this would not happen.

I recall with a slightly discomforting sense of freshness the many barbecues we shared as a group, with Gerard ever the source of great jokes and come backs, and we recall with equal clarity the day Lorraine and I completely by accident bumped into him and Marion at the cafe that used to be on the pier at Akaroa, where they shared with us the exciting news that they were getting engaged.

He was a good friend, a kind and generous human being, someone with a wicked sense of humour and a healthy level of cynicism about life. It will for me remain both his sense of humour and his profound kindness that will be his lasting legacy.

Marion, Charlotte, and Alex, have every right to feel the sentiment expressed by WH Auden in his poem 'Stop all the clocks':

'Stop all the clocks, cut off the telephone'
Stop all the clocks, cut off the telephone, 
Prevent the dog from barking with a juicy bone, 
Silence the pianos and with muffled drum 
Bring out the coffin, let the mourners come.  
Let aeroplanes circle moaning overhead 
Scribbling on the sky the message He Is Dead, 
Put crepe bows round the white necks of the public doves, 
Let the traffic policemen wear black cotton gloves.  
He was my North, my South, my East and West, 
My working week and my Sunday rest, 
My noon, my midnight, my talk, my song; 
I thought that love would last for ever: I was wrong.  
The stars are not wanted now: put out every one; 
Pack up the moon and dismantle the sun; 
Pour away the ocean and sweep up the wood; 
For nothing now can ever come to any good. 
W H Auden

And this morning's news brought these words for me:

This is perhaps how I would best like to remember Gerard, at a BBQ on the terace at the then newly purchased flat and first home of Sue and Dave Merry. Gerard is the one in blue seated centre front.

 As they say, when they made Gerard, they threw away the mould. Our deepest sympathies to Marion, Charlotte, and Alex, and your extended family. Kia tau te mauri, e hoa mā!!

Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Barbarian Stronghold for HotT

 The discussion of HotT (Hordes of the Things) strongholds recently, and some advice from Allan S to just have several 'generic' strongholds, led me to think about a stronghold for the several barbarian armies I have. I imagined an interesting 'diorama' or scene of some barbarian warriors executing prisoners around a fire, with a cave 'stronghold' in the background. The armies are 20mm.

The mockup looked like this.

This view part way through construction sows the general structure against the white base material background.

The 'execution', a warrior about to deliver the blow that sends the prisoner into the flames

Mounted warriors

Foot warriors in the background. 

A slightly macabre stronghold, I know.. it's fascinating what the brain conceives.

Thursday, November 16, 2023

Strongholds for Hordes of the Things

A discussion on the Hordes of the Things (HotT) Facebook group about army strongholds (the HotT equivalent of camps in DBA) led me to look at the strongholds I have created. I began with the supposition that I am not very good at creating strongholds, and haven't created very many of them. So I gathered the strongholds I have created and photographed them to put up in the Fb group. Here are the results.

Undead.. something of a 'furnace of skulls', figures and skull commercial, all else scratch built

Spiders... a small plastic spider on the left edge, otherwise scratch built

Turkish VSF - the 'turrets' are old curtain rail end knobs, all else scratch buiilt

Pirates - figures and palm trees are commercial

Chaos, or more generally evil armies - the skull is a commercial piece, the rest scratch built using polystyrene packaging

Lost Worlds - the Moai is an aquarium piece, and is the foliage.

Strongholds are a great outlet for creativity, a great way of indulging our creativity as 'gamers and modellers. I have created more than I thought, but given the 15+ armies I've created, clearly there are quite a number missing their essential stronghold. I liked the suggestion from Alan Saunders that I use generic strongholds that will fit multiple armies. I like that. Thanks Alan.

Saturday, November 11, 2023

Counter attack May 1918

 May 1918. The Spring Offensive has started to over reach German capability, and the New Zealand Division has been tasked with a local counterattack to open a way though the German positions. In front of them is a German regiment occupying some hastily prepared defences based around some old pillboxes dating from 1916. Can the kiwis make the break though?

The NZ Division:

  • 1st, 2nd, and Rifle Brigades
  • The divisional MG Battalion
  • 2 regiments of 18pdr field artillery on table tasked with close support
  • 4 squadrons (stands) of MkIV tanks
  • Off table, the divisional 4.5" howitzer regiment, and a regiment of 4.5", and 8", from Corps assets
  • 2 sorties of fighter aircraft 

The German defenders

  • 170th Infantry Regiment at full strength
  • a battalion of Stosstruppen
  • a regiment of Uhlan in support
  • a stand of tanks (A7V)
  • 1 regiment of 77mm field artillery on table in close support
  • Off table, a regiment of 105mm, and a regiment of 150mm from Corps assets
  • 1 sortie of fighter aircraft
The New Zealanders attacked with 2 brigades forward, and one in reserve. The Tank Regiment tanks attacked through the centre. The attack was organised with a series of timed orders to allow assets to advance in support.

The German regiment with Stosstruppen and artillery was deployed on table, the cavalry regiment off table in reserve.

Pre-planned artillery fire first hit the ridge, and the village immediately in front of the attack. The ridge was unoccupied, but the village was ..

The defenders of the village - a company of infantry and a company of stosstruppen

The main weight of the German defence was further back

The A7V unit is deployed centrally behind the main defence zone

The Rifle Brigade on the left of the attack

The tanks .. one unit has already broken down

Pre planned fire falls on the village

Fire form a 4.5" regiment, and a regiment of 8" howitzers

The defenders are eliminated from the village under the weight of fire

2 Brigade on the NZ right of their attack comes under its first fire, from German 105mm guns

Pre planned fire now falls on the wood in the centre of the attack

The defenders suffer casualties

2 Brigade pushes through the village

Rifle Brigade advances, but units are held up by wire

British artillery sets up on the ridge ready to support the Rifle Brigade attack.. but all defenders in their area have been eliminated. They have to limber up and race to catch u.p with the advance

Heavy artillery fire (105mm and 150mm) now falls across 2 Brigade and casualties begin to mount

The only remaining mobile tank unit comes under fire from a battery of German field artillery and is destroyed

A German airforce strike of fighter aircraft catches 2 Brigade in the open

Casualties mount on 2 Brigade

The Rifle Brigade pushes on, clearing the way ahead with minimal casualties

The German reserve is committed, and advances to support their right (opposing the Rifle Brigade) whete the german commander determines that the greatest risk now lies

But so too is the NZ reserve, 3 Brigade, committed on their right flank to support 2 Brigade which is in danger as casualties mount

The first serious resistance on the German left, a company of Stoss, an infantry company,  occupying some hasty trenches, and an MG company in an old pillbox

2 Brigade successfully calls in the divisional 4.5" regiment

and destroys the pillbox with the weight of fire, and the MMG company occupying the position

The Rifle Brigade confronts the defended village to its front, A fierce fire fight develops which sees the German defenders eliminated

Overview at this stage

2 Brigade bounds forwards with its infantry company to add their weight of fire to the MMG companies firing form the ridge at the left

Meanwhile the Rifle Brigade now swarms forwards through the liberated village

3 brigade continues its advance from its reserve position

The German cavalry regiment arrives behind the ridge on the German right (facing the Rifle Brigade) ready to take up a position that strengthens the defence

2 Brigade has now suffered serious casualties (10 stands)

The battle was still in the balance as the night progressed and we had to call time. With the NZ Reserve Brigade advancing, and the Rifle Brigade still in good condition, the German defence would eventiuaklky be overcome.

Jon and I were keen to try a later war game that allowed more movement, and included tanks, and aircraft. The NZers had to sorties from the RAF available but were unsuccessful in calling either of them in. The German air sortie was successful, and eliminated two stands of infantry from 2 Brigade.. it contributed to the growing casualty list of the day.

The game played well.. we could have done more with pre-planned fire, but it turned out it was not necessary. The game was played using my 6mm armies, figures from Irregular Miniatures.

Towns and rivers: an ACW game

This week's VnB game was an American Civil War game with Murray, fought using my 15mm armies. The scenario creates a battle over strateg...