Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Roman Gods eh?

The mythical Roman army (using those long since painted and discredited Airfix Roman legionaries) has sat around for quite a while. The original legionaries were painted in 1974/75 as the start of a Roman army for WRG Ancients 3rd Edition.

I painted up some beasts bases last week, and the army had another addition today: a God in the form of a 54mm Roman Tribune figure courtesy of friend Andy.

The idea is not original (friend Nick created a cool Roman army a decade of more ago). It did however seem to be such a good idea, that I ought to do the same. When creating HotT armies I generally try to create a different combination of elements to the other armies I have, and I don't have one that is largely blades/beasts/God. This is it. There are some warband and spears to come.


  1. Nice one…👍🏼. Is that a ruined temple in the background? (Aquarium piece?)

    1. Thanks Martin ,, yes to both... I bought it years ago as a camp for a DBA Spanish army.. it has done good service in several armies since then.

  2. Thanks. I have a mind to play it as a behemoth when I suspect I'll lack any patience with the Gods LOL


Towns and rivers: an ACW game

This week's VnB game was an American Civil War game with Murray, fought using my 15mm armies. The scenario creates a battle over strateg...