Saturday, November 16, 2024

A bit of 'gaming variety

I think I may finally starting to get the hang of this 'retirement' thing.. albeit that I have to agree with a journalist who recently wrote that the word retirement, implying as it does a withdrawal from something, is not be the best word to use for this new stage in life offering up as it does enormous freedom to do what gives us jou.

Anyway, last week saw four different wargames/genres/rules sets, and this week has seen two .. a Volley and Bayonet game run by Adrian and set in the Indian Mutiny, and a NW Europe Crossfire game with Americans and Germans. This is not an AAR, merely a small selection of photos from each.

The Indian Mutiny game used Adrian's beautiful 15mm armies and terrain.

The Crossfire game with Jim used my own 20mm armies and terrain.

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