Saturday, November 23, 2024

More variety in another week of 'gaming

Another week with a bit of varied war games activity. First was a game from the War of the Spanish Succession in the 1740's, an intriguing scenario in which the French and Spanish forces are retreating form the Austrian army, and are trying to get a supply convoy of four wagons across and off the table. The armies are from Adrian and Jon's collections, all 15mm.

Despite a massive encircling move from the Austrian cavalry, the cavalry were defeated and the convoy 'got away'.

The second was a game from the Franco-Prussian war of the 1870s. The Prussians are from my collection, and the French from Keith's, all 6mm Heroics and Ros figures.

Both games were played using the Volley and Bayonet rules. The small rules changes that are used to differentiate the sub-periods wokr amazingly well, giving two very different games that capture the feel of the periods.

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