Saturday, December 28, 2024

Medieval DBA games

A couple of DBA games were the order of the day (or the night) with Andy. My Anglo-Saxon army (III/24(b)) had only had one outing, and the new Vikings (III/40(a)) were champing at the bit for a 'bit of a go'. Andy accommodated with his Norse Irish, Book III, and Anglo Norman, Book IV. The games were played using our 15mm armies.

Game 1: Vikings vs Norse Irish.

Neither of us opted for a littoral landing (stupidly)

Andy's new medieval camp

My own new medieval camp

The Vikings tried to outflank on the right, using their speed, the Norse Irish threatened the other flank with Auxilia

In the centre the Viking fast blade began to make inroads against the Norse Irish spear

The blade were managing to stay alive despite being caught on the steep hills by the auxilia

The fast blade won the battle in the centre, a win to the Vikings

Game 2: Anglo Saxon vs Anglo Norman

The Normans mistakenly deployed their knights in line behind their spear

Andy attempted to push the knights across to the flank

Saxon hordes in the read.. 

The Saxon spear survive a combat with a stand of knight (on the left).. a 6 vs 1 can do that

1 comment:

  1. Good to see some early medieval games…the pics help tell the tale πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌ


Peninsular action: a 25mm napoleonic game

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