Thursday, February 13, 2025

Set piece action in the west, 1862

Time for another ACW game with Murray, this time an entirely fictional set piece engagement, set in 1862, fought with armies assembled using the Volley and Bayonet 'Road to Glory' scenario point system (2600 points). The game waa fought using my 15mm armies.

Deployment overview, union on the left, CSA on the right

On the Union left, the CSA pushed aggressively to the flank

The Union forces took a defensive position in the centre too

A brigade of Union cavalry (M5, poorly trained) were positioned on the right, looking to threaten the CSA left

The CSA left was stronger than the Union general had thought, negating the opportunity to threaten with the cavalry

The centre Union division was reinforced with two batteries or army guns, creating a strong position with three batteries. The CSA pushed across the river and the bridge, prompting a counter attack by the Union, well supported by the artillery

Combined with fire from a battalion of Union sharpshooters, the CA took sufficient casualties to become exhausted, and then failed its throw falling into moral collapse. The CSA Centre was looking vulnerable

A close up view of the situation in the centre after the devastating Union counter attack

CSA forces launched an attack int the woods, and the Union right stationary in its defensive position on top of a convenient hill

Further CSA attacks were launched against the Union left

A CSA attack against the Union brigade in the woods ... which was repulsed

Meanwhile the CSA left was sweeping around the flank, driving the now dismounted cavalry from the woods they had occupied

One of the CSA brigades pushing against the Union left is contained and then repulsed

On the extreme Union left two CSA brigades assault a Union brigade.. it fails its morale check, loses the combat, and routs. The Union left is now exposed.

The Union centre pushes forward but suffers from some close range CSA artillery fire

The CSA forces pushing around the Union right

The Union counter attacks on their left, routing another CSA brigade forcing a second CSA division into exhaustion

The CSA force had taken a battering, and the commander now withdrew. This was the biggest game we'd played so far, and getting close the using all of my available figures. More painting is required, pulling from the aspirational mountain of unpainted lead.

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