Sunday, May 11, 2008

Jeff Wayne's "War of the Worlds"

OK.. I'm on a VSF (Victorian Science Fiction) roll at the moment. I'm eagerly awaiting the arrival of some Esci 1/72nd Zulu Wars Infantry (IMO they are the best 20mm Plastics of this subject on the market at the moment). I'm also keen to get some of the soon to be released HaT Mounted British Infantry from the Zulu wars - all good VSF Brits.

I have a nice artillery piece for the HotT VSF army, and am pondering a good Behemoth (the winner at the moment, given that I feel too lazy to scratch build one) is this fantastic vehicle from the Eureka Pax Limpopo range:

A quick look on Google found the following clip from a 2006 concert performance of Jeff Wayne's "War of the Worlds" .. I just loved it, and had to share it in case any WOTW fans hadn't seen it.

Truly fantastic I thought. Hopefully this link helps another fan to find something they hadn't seen before.

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