Sunday, November 21, 2010

Carnage tournament - HotT stuff

This year's Carnage fantasy tournament has been and gone. The tournament had 18 players playing 8th Edition WFB and 10 playing HotT (Hordes of the Things).

The 10 HotT players played across 4 rounds, using a slighlty different format where they were able to swap armies (an innovation that proved popular with almost all of the players).

The HotT players (well 9 of them, anyway).

Play in session.

This Roman testudo was an innovative Behemoth element constructed by Nick Grant for his EIR army.

Another of Nick's innovative elements: a sand God, for his Numidian army.

A quick dip into the WFB play ...

And back to HotT, spiders versus Indians.

The Ape God managed to turn up to every game today, but also decided to disappear quickly from 2 of the games just as quickly ... sigh!!!

A dead general.. not good when you have already lost more points than your opponent...

This was shaping up to be another dead general...

More WFB ...

... and of course more beautiful miniatures ...

And back to the HotT battlefields ....

Nick G's latest Dragon, fielded with his EIR army ... beautiful paint job.

And some VSF forces: an airboat, a flyer and a behemoth (steam tank).

A VSF magician.. a special super duper electrical zap gun style thingy.. you get the idea anyway!!!

And this year's HotT Carnage winner: Frank Ansell... his first ever HotT tournament, and probably his first ever HotT games...well done!!!!


  1. And a jolly good time was had by all!

    Thanks for organizing it Robin. It was great to play with four of my five armies, and even better to see others enjoying using them too.

    Second place from 10 - my best result ever!

    Cheers again Robin,


  2. Nick
    Don't worry about your placings.. you are a far better player than these rsults suggest, but in a game system that can see your key pieces disappear when you throw a '1', it doesn't always reflect player ability... I rate you up there...

    Thanks for playing.

    Kind regards


On the banks of the Tigris

Wargaming actions in the Middle East in World War 1 offers games with more manoeuvre than you might expect on the western front (as do games...