Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Nothing like a little Tempest ...

The Hawker Tempest rates as one of my all time favourite WW2 aircraft. No idea why, might be something to do with those war comics I read as a boy. So I was pretty happy when friend Nick gave me an old Revell Tempest V kit to provide some much needed air support for the late war 20mm WW2 British for Spearhead. The age of the kit meant that it came from that era when kits weren't perhaps as finely cast as we would expect today. Having said that, I am not overly happy with my assembly job anyway (regardless of the kit quality). The Normandy stripes were hand painted, and I felt as if I'd made something of a 'dogs breakfast' of them too.

Perhaps more importantly the transfers were so old that it was a struggle to get them off the backing and onto the aircraft intact. I persevered with the wing roundels, hand painted the tail markings and about gave up at that stage, so the model is currently missing the fuselage roundels. Oh well, on the table the visual effect will still be pretty awesome.

Thanks Nick....

And now just the Sturmovik to go in the quest for WW2 air support elements.


  1. Great work Robin. Are the rockets resting on their rails?

  2. Yep, rockets are there, slung under the rails..


  3. Looks pretty good actually. Sorry to hear it was so much trouble. I shudder to think what old water transfers must be like. I hated them when they were new.


A small ACW piece of action.

Another ACW game, played with the Volley and Bayonet rules, and my 15mm armies. I have started introducing friend Murray to the rules, and t...