Friday, April 26, 2013

The great tidy up, and.. oh dear dear dear me!!!!

We have news that our house is to be demolished and rebuilt post Christchurch earthquake (basically it's uneconomic to repair). So we have started the process of sorting, clearing out and disposal of 20 years of household accumulation. I am in the early stages of this in the wargames room, and I came across these figures: late war American infantry, and a few vehicles and guns. My son Nick had painted these when he was quite young (and made a pretty reasonable job of them, I have to say), and at that time we'd planned to play the Rapid Fire rules set (I'd been playing them for a decade or so, but then we discovered Spearhead). Having moved away from home to continue his study, he decided that he didn't want them, so they have sat quietly in a box for a number of years.

Moving machinations meant their re-discovery, and.. yep, there's enough infantry to do a Spearhead force.

And then there are these boxed kits that have sat there for equally as long - I think that I bought them for Nick for his American force too.

So, along with the plethora of wargamers' fast build M4s etc, this wouldn't be too difficult a project. And it gives me an excuse to build either a Thunderbolt, or a P38 Lightening.. LOVE the P38, comes just after that Tempest on my list of fav WW2 aircraft. Must check out its use in ground support, but I suspect that the Thunderbolt is the more appropriate aircraft for this role.


  1. Would love to buy the Matchbox M16 and the Nitto M3A1 if you decide you don't want them. Been after both kits for months !

    Cheers, Dave

  2. So sorry to hear about your house - I hope that everything goes smoothly from this point forward though.

    I would be very interested to see how Spearhead treats late war US forces. I've been combing through my collection of late, and have been recycling painted figures by giving them a quick touch up, a wash, and then basing them up. Essentially I am doing to other periods what I did to get my V&B French up and running.

    Thanks for introducing me to V&B - I think it's a great system! I purchased a copy of the original rules, and should have a copy of the ACW supplement arriving soon!

    One last thing - I opened up this post in a series of tabs, but when I went to look at it Blogger was telling me my comment was published? Could you let me know if I had commented earlier on this post - Thanks, Brian.

  3. Brian

    Good to hear from you.. and nope, this is the only one that appeared. Late war Americans are VERY interesting.. the system offers them strength in air power and artillery that correctly reflect reality. Their infantry are not as strong as German infantry, but are just as strong as Soviets and Brits etc. Would love to show you a game if you are keen. Just contact me .. e-mail address is the same.

    Kind regards


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