Saturday, May 11, 2024

A new sub period using Volley and Bayonet

One of the  many strengths of Frank Chadwick's Volley and Bayonet rules is their capacity to accurately encompass the feel, the outcomes, of the sub periods of their 17th-19th century scope with minor teaks to the rules. Keeping core mechanisms the same is a fantastic thing as our ability to hold multiple rules sets in our heads diminishes (curse this aging thing).

Jon and Adrian have been covering a range of these sub-periods, and Jon's latest is the Sino-French war of the 1880-1885 period.


A week or so ago we trialled the rules tweaks with a small scenario. Here are a few photos of some of Jon's fabulous painting output as he builds the (relatively) small 15mm forces required for the theatre.


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Base labelling complete for the Middle east WW1 forces

That's it... all of the available Middle East troops not only painted and based, but now (after a long hiatus) with base labels complete...