Saturday, August 3, 2019

Hittites DBA 1/24b completed

Motivation is a funny thing. The figures for my DBA Hittite army have sat in their box since before 2011 ( I remember that because it was our earthquake year). I bought them because I've always loved chariot armies. My first was the Minoan army, completed quite a few years ago now. I bought the Hittites and the Early Achaemenids at the same time. The Achaemenids are another story.

My interest in DBA had waned, as 'gaming interests so often do. However a resurgence in interest was brought about as I have been able to try some DBA 3.0 games with Keith, Jim, and Andy.

So in amongst those frenetic work evenings I have managed to paint the Hittites.

Righto, what's next?

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