Sunday, August 22, 2021

More WW1 terrain vignettes

After something of a hiatus on the painting front, a full lockdown here in Aotearoa has meant that I've had a little time in between work related online meets etc to do some painting. The current project covers opposing forces for Great War Spearhead 1918, specifically British and German Corps. I use Irregular  6mm Miniatures, and these were figures I bought from Rhys quite a few years ago for just this project. 

I've now completed the painting of the figures I have available (not sufficient for the full projet) and decided to paint up some very cool extras, all to be used as aesthetic add-ons for the table top, small scenery vignettes. There will be another order sent off to Ian Kay at Irregular in the near future (these guys provide wonderful service).

A 'downed' aircraft, a German AA gun on a lorry, and a delightful British lorry with guide sitting atop the vehicle

The crashed aircraft

The British lorry

Stretcher bearers, German POWs, directed by British officer

Bullock teams

Pack horses

Gun teams. I seem to have something of an over abundance of these.. these are (as with the rest) purely terrain vignettes

The German Corps so far.. a lot more work to do

That's all progress. Plenty more to do, but the project now pauses while I plan another order... brought to you from the 'you can never have too many figures', and the 'ooo, there's another wargames project' philosophies.

Kia kaha, and stay safe !!!

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