Thursday, September 20, 2012

A landslide along the road ...

After messing around with those old Fujimi kits, I've decided to give up on them. The plastic is brittle, and the running gear keeps breaking off the hull. The tracks are too short, and there are 'axles' missing (mis-molded) on the hull sides.

Stan has some Pegasus KV1s so I think we'll abandon the Fujimi (anyone want to buys a few kits??) and go with the quick assembly kits.

These days I'm a war gamer rather than a modeller. Life's too short ... sigh!!!!!


  1. I know the feeling, my Fujimi kits have been languishing in the garage for 2 decades.

  2. Still, it was worth a crack, Nigel!

  3. Jacko

    Oddly I don't recall Fujimi kits being this difficult to assemble.. I did a KV1 waaay back when they first came out.

    The tyranny of memory ..



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