Thursday, October 3, 2024

A few Victorian Science Fiction shots

I've been plying a few HotT (Hordes of the Things) games over the past week. Last night veteran 'gamer Nick came around and we played few more. I love the aesthetic of Nick's British VSF, it inspired my own British VSF army a few years ago (thanks Nick). These photos are from a game with Nick's British battling my Turkish VSF army. Both of our armies have been built in 20mm.

Just a few random shots from one of our games.

Nick used this awesome piece as an aerial hero, but it could equally be an airboat

Nick's behemoth, a steam tank, ably supported by knights (lancers), and shooters in the background of the photo

A few of my own Turkish VSF, including my behemoth, and my hero.

Thursday, September 19, 2024

Base labelling complete for the Middle east WW1 forces

That's it... all of the available Middle East troops not only painted and based, but now (after a long hiatus) with base labels completed. We have three battalions of Anzacs (minus a Brigade HQ), three battalions of Imperial Camel Corps, two battalions of Irregular Arab infantry, two 'battalions' of Arab camelry and two 'battalions' of Arab cavalry.

The odd numbers represent the contents of the Irregular Miniatures Division pack rather than an intentional choice of miniature packs. At some stage, depending on scenario demands, I'll need to expand the Anzac infantry. That day is not today though.

The Anzac infantry (all New Zealanders) on the left, and the ICC on the right

The irregular Arab troops, infantry on the left, Camelry and cavalry on the right

Friday, August 23, 2024

Crossfire in the Pacific

 Stage 1 of the Crossfire project completed - a company of Japanese infantry.

Aerial view of the company, with the jungle terrain markers I have completed so far.

I have yet to source the heavy weapons (HMGs and 2" mortars) to actually complete the company. Not sure yet what stage 2 might be, as we rarely play Crossfire above a company, but maybe an expansion to a battalion, with one or two AFV's .... maybe.

On the high seas.. again...

 Last week Keith introduced me to his WW2 naval 'tipple', the Naval Thunder Rules, using his 1/3000th scale miniatures. The game was enjoyable. I commanded two British heavy cruisers (Exeter and York), part of a Royal Navy battle group in the Mediterranean, opposing elements of the Italian fleet.

The game was nicely paced, an enjoyable and sociable game with a great social bunch. I did manage to have Exeter blow up.

Some shots of Keith's lovely models:

It did take me back to 1987 when a group of us refought the Battle of Jutland in 1/3000th, using the General Quarters 2 rules. I modelled the High Seas Fleet, while good friend Gerard modelled the Grand Fleet. I'm not sure what ever happened to Gerard's collection, much of it scratch built painstakingly by Gerard on those lonely nights in motels while he worked as a traveling salesman.

HoweverI still have the High Seas Fleet.

Who knows, maybe they'll live to see action on the high seas again one day.

Friday, August 2, 2024

Somewhere in Galicia, spring 1915

Early spring 1915, and Russian forces launch a counter-attack up a river valley somewhere in Galicia, with the limited aim of securing a vital river crossing necessary to future operations.

Andy and I got together to push the 20mm WW1 armies around the table in a smaller Great War Spearhead game. The scenario pitched a Ruissian division against two Austro-Hungarian regiments. Both sides were supported by one on table regiment of mfield guns, and one regiment of heavy guns off trable. The Austro-Hungarians also had a regimetn of cavalry in reserve. The defending AH forces had had time to dig some light entrenchments and lay some wire, but their defences were very sketchy and incomplete. The game was fought with my 20mm armies, mostly HaT figures, with some Irregular MIniatures heavy weapons.

The defending troops in the upper regions of the photo, the photo taken from behind the Riussian advance in the lower regions. The Russian commander had taken a gamble with a flank march on his left, hitting the Austro-Hungarian right flank. The troops arrived in turn 1 of the game... ouch

Defenders on the AH right

The flank attack arrives stopping short of the defending Austro-Hungarian defenders, but right behind their flank

Defening Austro-Hungarian troops on theior left flank

One Russian Brigade attacked up the centre, supported by two batteries of 76mm guns

The left flank attack begins to bite

We played the game with all units unbder 'ranmdomn morale'. As fire opens, the flanking Russian brighade turns out to be 'Regular' morale, but all other units on both sides are 'Greeen'. This is going to be a tough fight.

In an early success Russian fire drives the Austro-Hungarian defenders from their entrenchments on the  right

The Russian Brigade attacking through the centre takes casualties from fire

Troops from that centtre Brigade

The Austro-Hungarian on table field guns set to bring fire down on the Riussian attackers

Lots of fire...

The right flank Russian Briogade had advanced a short way, and been ordered to remain stationary as a reserve, but was brought under fire by Austro-Hungarian defenders, and so adopted defend orders in situ

The Austro-Hungarian right under increasing pressure

Several companies make theior way through woods to the Austro-Hungarian rear, stumbling across the Austro-Hungarian divisional command

The battle on the Russian left contimnues

The Russian centre brigade pushes on in the face of heavy fire

Meanwhile mthe Russian right manouvres within the limits of its defend orders to bring fire onto the Austro-Hungarian left

Overview of the battlefield at this stage. This shows the extent of the casualties being taken by the Russian centre brigade

Pressure continues on the Austro-Hungarian right from the flank attack

Russian troops assault the Austro-Hungarian divisional command

The Austro-Hungarian divisional command is eliminated

Casualtuies are now mounting on the Austro-Hungarian right

... and on the Riussian centre

Riussian troops push forward intot he outskirts of the town adjacent to the bridge

Overview of the batttle on the Russian right

The Russian centre brigade breaks and pulls back from the battle

Heavy fighting in progress .. but the right flank Austro-Hungarian regiment also now breaks, opening up the entire Austro-Hungarian position

The firefight left  contimnues on the Austro-Hungarian but their position is now untenable as their own right flank has disintegrated.

The flank march strategy was relatively high risk. I've played games where with the same odds the flank march never arrived. The risk paid off this time, but the ending would have been very different had it not.

It was also significant that neither side managed to get the support of its off table heave artillery... casualties would have been even higher had we done so.

All in all, a really interesting small scenario, albeit that it was made up on the fly as they say.

A few Victorian Science Fiction shots

I've been plying a few HotT (Hordes of the Things) games over the past week. Last night veteran 'gamer Nick came around and we playe...